Ball' |
a Bootlegger's Ball Theme Party
Here are some ideas for a
Bootlegger's Ball Theme party. We'll cover: Invitations,
Menu, Decorations, Music,
and Games. Don't be shy - you can actually
charge a per person or couple "cover charge" if you are going
all-out with the costumes, food, games, etc. Even the reluctant ones
will have a blast and be willing to do it again.
the Newspaper style
invitation with an amusing pseudonym for each guest. (Use your
browser's Back button to return to this page.)
try a headline with the
name on top - e.g.: "Lisa, alias 'Lulu Floozy'
then change the
character/guest name on each one and run them off (having a computer
helps with this...)
Check out the invitations
page for more ideas!
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for a Bootlegger's Ball are easy - almost anything goes!
Try a nice ham - hot or
Add a hot or cold potato
dish and some veggies/salad and sweets for dessert.
If you go with a punch,
try one that you "spike" occasionally by putting the mix
into old-fashioned looking booze bottles before you conspicuously fake
"sneaking" it into the punch bowl.
Do it all buffet style.
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the room look like a "speakeasy".
Place a semi-cryptic
sign over the entrance, e.g.: "knock 3 times and
whistle Dixie"
Guests are welcomed and
frisked at the door.
Low lighting and
atmospheric smoke is a must have.
Gambling tables are good
- have lots of small tables for 2 or more persons dotted about the
room. Card tables work fine, just cover with a tablecloth.
Serve drinks in
inconspicuous cups.
Have some late-comers
bust in like they are the 'Feds' raiding the joint.
Conspicuous imitation
guns for the guards and the 'Feds' are a nice touch.
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is a no-brainer.
Get hold of some
"roaring twenties' music - old and scratchy versions work nicely
- record them to get this effect.
Big Band tunes, Blues,
Jazz also work well.
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these ideas for your party.
Picture quiz of who's
who of the 1920s underworld - do a web or library search to find black
and white pics and print them off or photocopy.
Shooting games - try a
cork gun shooting range.
Fast-moving card games -
a fake shootout over 'cheating at cards' is a nice effect.
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