now – time to get busy. Try to think of some foods that can be
prepared ahead of time so you won’t be too exhausted the following day
from trying to juggle everything at once. And, "why?" you
may ask? Because it’s traditionally the start of the Christmas
shopping season - you must conserve your strength!
And I do
encourage you to shop, especially for some Mirtha Stuwort
collectibles! (Like my designer gold-plated wishbones that follow
your cursor around on this page.)
How about these recipes to tempt your guests' tastebuds? Turkey
Giblet Gravy, Tipsy Turkey (with Grand Marnier ooh la la), Baked
Carrots, and So-Easy Pumpkin Pie.

It's amazing
what you
can do with pumpkins!
you are hosting a large gathering, consider taking an instant photo of
your guest and inserting that into a place card holder, which just might
be a tiny pumpkin or gourd. Cut a slit into the tip and insert the photo.
Tada! If you think that your guests won’t go for getting blinded by a
flashbulb the instant they enter you home, try this – take some old
photographs of them, scan them into the computer, resize them and print
them out.
Use an autumn colored
tablecloth in gold, red, orange, brown, or green. For variety on
large tables, mix and match the colors of your choice.
For an inexpensive table runner, get out your glue gun and a bag of
freshly raked leaves and go to town. No. I don’t mean glue them to
the table – tsk, tsk. Use some thin cardboard as a base. This
might be a job that you can palm off, er I mean, invite the older children
to do. Then arrange candlesticks in clusters along the center of the
Group some small gourds, squash and/or pumpkins - even use them as vases -
to give your table that festive touch. Mouse-over the pumpkin vase
picture above to see more ideas for using pumpkins!

cookies and milk!
of children...if you want to get them out of your hair, and sometimes we
do, don’t we? I have a suggestion. If they know how to play a simple
game of checkers – sit them down with an assortment of vanilla and
chocolate crème cookies.
When they capture an opponent’s
"man", they get to eat the cookies! Mouse over the milk
and cookies to see the checkerboard!

what you get!
One great
tradition is, of course, making a wish with the wishbone of the
turkey. Interested parties can each grab a piece of the wishbone –
make their wish – and pull!

Games for all
The tradition says that who ever gets
the larger piece will get their wish! Mouse over the wishbone to see
my wish for you!
For the
adult and teen guests, try a rousing game of Scrabble. Trivial
Pursuit is another popular game. Both go well with coffee and
over the scrabble game to see the good old-fashioned round of Twister..
It's always a hit with the older
children and the more "spry" adults present. It's also a
great way to work off the calories from dinner.
If the weather's
nice, go for a walk around the block and check out the neighbor's gardens!