country tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I
sing! Time to get in a red, white and blue
mood! Well what about our neighbors to the
North? Did you know that "Debbie The Seed
Queen", Mirtha’s er, um, "good friend",
is a canucklehead? Canadians celebrate
"Canada Day" or "Dominion Day"
(previous name) on July 1st. Many bordering
Canadian and American cities hold a four-day party
called "Freedom Fest" to celebrate
jointly! Debbie says that they do the same things
to celebrate. Partying, BBQ’s, partying,
fireworks, partying, music, partying, festivals and more
partying…Wow! Maybe I should move up there – it
sounds like fun!

It wouldn’t be
a patriotic celebration without some sort of flag, now would
it? Let’s make the American flag! Piece together
alternating red and white stripes horizontally. Appliqué a
smaller dark blue square in the upper left corner. On top
of that, you can appliqué the appropriate number of
stars. It’s not as difficult as it sounds! (Really
it isn’t.)
For the Canadian flag, it's a little easier - you only need two
red stripes and one white one - but these are wider and go
vertically. Then cut out a lovely maple leaf from red
fabric and appliqué it to the center white stripe - and viola,
as they say in Quebec, tout finis!
Now, hang your flags of varying sizes from trees, porches, pets,
and yes, even the flagpole!

course you need music for a good patriotic celebration. I
just bet the local high school band would fit the bill nicely.
Just think of them all decked out in their uniforms, the brass
section blaring a rousing Sousa march or the national anthem - Oh
Canada or Star
Spangled Banner. Wouldn’t
they (and you!) be the hit of the party? And a generous
monetary donation to the school would ensure their presence.
You could start your own choir! Get all the neighbors in
on this and warble your way to fame. Or, you could go with
just the kiddies - parents love to see their kiddies
performing. Don't worry, the parents will think the kids
sound like angels, even if they're tone deaf. And, include
the local pets - let them do the percussive parts - rather like
the background music here. For that tune, it's not
like you have to know the words!

Mouse-over band to see

Lady Liberty
to meet the McKenzie Brothers
How about a
costume party? You could be the Statue of Liberty! The
easiest way is of course to rent a costume. But we can
make one for just pennies. Get some of your old white
sheets and dye them a medium green. Drape them over
yourself in a toga-like fashion. Construct a headpiece
from stiff cardboard and paper mache. A Tiki torch (you
know those ones that stick into the ground outside in the
summer?) Cut one a bit shorter and there you go! Instant
Lady Liberty! Just make sure you have a fire extinguisher
Canadians can dress up like the
(from Second City TV - they're officially called "hosers").
Get yourself down to the thrift shops and purchase some tatty
plaid flannel shirts and old toques and floppy boots.
Surround yourself with Canadian beer (they have very good beer
there). End everything you say with "eh", and
you'll be the life of the party!

hotdogs to
see cakes for dessert
Summer is
synonymous with barbecuing. Thick, juicy steaks on the
grill, burnt hotdogs (my personal favorite), hamburgers with all
the fixings – those are the standbys of any summer
get-together. Potato salad, macaroni salad, and a berry
delicious cake would round out the menu. Here are some