How to Plant a Flower or Herb Bag
1: Fill the flower bag with good quality lightweight
potting mix which contains plenty of fertilizer nutrients. Do not
use a cheap mix, or it will compress and kill the plants.
Step 2: The mix in the flower bag must be wet thoroughly. Moisten it after
filling the bag by watering until the water drips out the bottom corners.
Step 3: Lay the bag flat at a comfortable height and pat down, forming a flat
'sausage' shape.
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Step 4:
Cut T-shaped slits into the flower bag as shown at right. Use a sharp knife and
make 3-cm cuts in each leg of the T. The T-shaped cuts
should be facing upside down and only on one side, as the diagram below. Make a maximum of 8 cuts, two rows of four
evenly spaced T cuts on the bag. Be
careful when cutting the plastic. It is a good idea to mark the plastic
before cutting. Use a permanent type marker.
5: Planting
- Using
a dibber or similar implement, push into each cut to make a planting
hole. Remove a seedling from the cell pack or flat of plants,
and push gently into the hole.
- Pressing the bag gently around the plant
will force the potting mix around the seedling. Firm in
well. Repeat for all the holes.
6: After planting, lay the flower bag
under some shade cloth or in any semi-shaded spot for 3 to 4 weeks. The initial watering of the flower bag should be sufficient for this
period. The secret to success is not to move the
bag for 3 weeks. While there is plastic showing, avoid direct
sunlight during hotter periods of the day or you will cook the
plants. Do not be in a hurry to hang up the plants!
Step 7: After
3 to 4 weeks you can display the flower bag flat or hang it up. If
required, top up with potting mix and insert a plant in the top.
Water generously so that water drips out of the cut corners at the bottom.
Step 8:
Feed weekly with 1/2 strength plant food and every 3 to 4 months add some
slow release fertilizer. Always deadhead plants to keep the hanging bag
looking it's best.