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Here are the basic packing methods for fruits and vegetables
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Methods for Canning Fruits and Pickling Vegetables |
the best quality - inferior products don't become "better"
when you can them.
the fruit by size and ripeness.
the fruit in small batches, but don't let fruit soak in the water.
pit or core, and cut as desired. Scald tomatoes and peaches to remove
the skins.
There are two methods of packing - hot and cold pack. Most fruit is
improved by precooking in a light syrup and packing into hot
sterilized jars.
in boiling water bath canner for the appropriate length of time.
label, and store.
Pack Method

Fruits & Vegetables
Suitable for Hot Pack
this method the fruit is heated or cooked before it's canned. You
may use a syrup of sugar and water, in water alone, or extracted
juice. Juicy fruits and tomatoes may be packed hot in the juice that
cooks out when heated, then you don't have to add any additional
water. Pack the fruit loosely in jars and cover the fruit with juice
or syrup. A wide mouth funnel is a good investment.
make a syrup for fruits:
1 cup sugar per 3 cups water
1 cup sugar per 2 cups water
1 cup sugar per 1 cup water.
syrup should be boiling when added to jars of fruit
Pack Method

& Vegetables Suitable for Cold Pack
soft berries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries
grapes, use a light, medium or heavy syrup
do well with cold pack also
also, hot or cold
hot or cold
hot or cold
Cold, raw fruit is put into sterilized containers and covered with hot
syrup, water or juice. This method allows for a more attractive packed
jar, the fruit can be arranged in uniform layers. Raw foods should be
packed tighter than hot foods, since they shrink during the processing
time. I usually jam as many tomatoes as I can into jars, and I found that
by quartering the tomatoes first I can usually end up with a full quart of
tomatoes. The first few times I tried it, I ended up with half a
quart of tomatoes and half of quart of water.
After packing the fruit, run the blade of a knife around and down the
insides of the jar to remove all air bubbles. You may need to add more
liquid after removing all the air. Make sure you wipe the jar rim with a
clean dry cloth and put on the cap and tighten. I usually tighten my jars
tight, then back off a tiny turn back. Now its ready to go into the water
Use of Sugar in Canning Fruit
Sugar helps canned fruit hold its color, flavor and shape, but it is not
essential to prevent spoilage. Fruit will keep without sugar, providing it
is processed correctly.
To can without sugar, pack prepared raw fruit into hot, sterilized jars
and fill the jars to within 1/2 inch of the top with boiling fruit juice
or water. Or you could preheat the fruit with a little water for about 3
minutes and then pack the fruit with its own juice into jars. Process
exactly the same way for sweetened fruit.
To can with sugar, if the fruit or berries are very juicy and you are
using the hot pack method dry sugar may be added to the fruit. Measure the
fruit into a large kettle and add from 1/2 to 1 cup of sugar for each
quart of raw fruit. Let the fruit and sugar stand in the kettle for
approximately 2 to 3 hours, or until the fruit starts to juice out. Slowly
bring the fruit up to the boiling point and boil for 5 minutes- being
careful not to let it scorch. Its best to do this in small batches. Pack
the fruit and juice in hot sterilized jars to within 1/2 inch of the top
of the jar. Wipe tops and seal, then process in water bath.
S elect
young, tender veggies at their peak of flavor
by size and ripeness
in running water to dislodge any dirt or insects
into uniform size
Authorities recommend that you blanch all veggies before canning.
this partially cooks, and shrinks the veggie allowing you to pack more
into the jar. Blanching also drives the air out of the cells of the
veggie, thereby reducing the destruction of vitamins by
oxidation during the processing. It cuts down the processing time and
assures that the veggies will be thoroughly heated. The blanching
water should be used to fill the jars instead of boiling water, for it
contains any water-soluble vitamins that were leached out during the
blanching process.
the veggies loosely into hot sterilized jars to within 1/2 inch from
the top.
the air bubbles using a knife
and process
only tomatoes and pickled veggies can be water-bath processed.
Everything else goes into the pressure canner.
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