Bush Berries |
This section
contains a summary about caring for berry bushes. It includes:
Pruning and
Training of
Brambles -
includes raspberries, blackberries, boysenberries. etc.
Currants and
Harvesting tips
Bush Berry Problems
This is a long
article - so if you just want to cut to the chase, check out the
OGG Berry Shortlist of best
varieties. |
and Training
Some red raspberry varieties
have long, slender canes that must be tied. They can be staked or
tied to a trellis. Set the trellis posts at either end of your
raspberry row apart and run wires between them. Most red raspberry
varieties are stout caned and can be planted in hills without training
them to stakes. The wires will just support the boughs when laden
with fruit.
To build a trellis for
boysenberries, use 4 by 5 inch or larger timbers for the end posts (2 by
2 posts with braces works as well). Use 6 foot long 2 by 2 inch
wide grape stakes in between the posts at 20 foot intervals, and set
them 18" in the ground. For ollalies build a 4 to 5 foot
trellis and run the first wire 1.5' from the ground, the second wire one
foot above the first, and so on, similar to that used for grapes.
canes are biennial; they grow the first year, fruit the second, then
die. Only the crown and the roots are perennial. Old canes
should be removed as soon as the fruit is harvested. New canes
grow from buds on the base of the old canes. Two new shoots
usually come up each year. In addition, suckers grow directly from
the roots of red raspberries. The new canes and suckers should be
thinned immediately after harvest.
Blackberries should be
pruned as soon as the harvest is completed. All wood that has
produced the current crop should be removed. The berries should be
trellised immediately after pruning. Put up only the larger canes
and prune the small ones. Generally, no more than 9 canes per
plant should be kept. A fan like arrangement is the best way to
trellis the vines. The fruiting wood (canes about 6 to 8 long) is
spread out over the wire. Put them over the top wire, wrap them
around the middle wire, and then remove the tip. In coastal areas
where canes are 10 to 12 feet long, they are taken over and under the
top and middle wires three or four times - this is referred to as the
barrel roll. Tipping (removing the growing end of the canes)
forces out the laterals on which fruits will be borne the following
season. A cane that is not tipped will continue growing. The
farther berries are from the crown of the plant, the smaller they will
be. Winter pruning is done around Thanksgiving; prune to
remove all laterals below the lower wire and cut back the long laterals
at the top of the trellis to 12 to 15 inches.
Prune in spring before new growth
starts. In March, fruit buds are easily recognizable, as they are
plumper than vegetative buds. For the first growing season, all of these
fruit buds should be removed. This forces vegetative growth in the
plant. This first year should be spent establishing the plant.
See the illustrations below showing a
mature blueberry, currant or gooseberry plant before and after pruning. To prune, first remove
small spindly branches and canes that lie on the ground. When thinning
canes, try to maximize light conditions inside the plant by removing the
centermost canes, which block the sunlight. Once the plant is mature (6
years old), it should be producing three to five new shoots per year. If
it is not, check your fertilizer program. The production of new shoots
is somewhat cultivar dependent, and some may not respond as well as
others. Every year, select the best two to three new canes to retain.
After 5 years, begin removing the oldest (5 years or older) canes while
retaining the three best new canes. This will result in a plant that has
two to three canes each of new, 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-year-old canes, or 10
to 15 canes. As with any biological system, this is an optimal range;
many plants will deviate from this ideal.
Before and after pruning blueberries, gooseberries or
These smooth-skinned berries all need to have an
"open" center to avoid fungus problems and to allow sunlight to filter
and Gooseberries
Red currants and gooseberries produce
fruit at the base of 1-year-old wood, with the greatest production on
spurs of 2 to 3 year old wood. After 3 or 4 years, the older wood
becomes less productive and therefore should be replaced gradually with
young shoots by a thinning and renewal process. Black currants produce
the best fruit on wood that is 1 year old, although this wood is
supported by the 2- to 3-year-old shoots. All canes older than 3 years
old should be removed to encourage the growth of new canes.
Prune dormant plants in early spring just
before growth starts. Remove canes that drop on the soil or canes that
shade out the center of the plant. After the first season of growth,
remove all but six to eight of the most vigorous shoots. After the
second season, retain four or five 1-year-old shoots and three or four 2
year old canes. After the third season, keep three or four canes each of
1, 2, and 3 year old wood. In subsequent years, remove all of the oldest
canes, replacing them annually with new canes.
to top
should be picked in the morning after the dew has evaporated. If picked
in the afternoon, the berries will take longer to cool down, which
shortens their shelf life.
and raspberries should be picked when they are plump, sweet, fully
colored and can be easily pulled off the stem. Different varieties may
produce berries at different times, providing a longer harvesting
Blueberries turn blue 3 to 4 days before
they attain maximum sweetness and flavor. They should be picked every 7
to 10 days. Do not pick berries with a reddish tinge, since they are
Currants and gooseberries should be
picked with they are fully colored, usually beginning the end of June
and continuing into July.
to top
are the pests and diseases that most often affect berries, and
treatments for them.
*Aphid ,scale, mite |
Orchard Spray |
Shoot emergence.
(Scale and mite can be controlled with dormant oil spray during
February before buds swell.) |
leafhopper |
Malathion |
Until 2 wks.
prior to harvest at 7-10 day intervals |
*Beetle, Rose Chafer, |
Orchard Spray |
same as above |
Fruitworm |
Sevin |
same as above |
Scab, leaf spot, rots |
Orchard Spray |
Shoot emergence |
botrytis, cane blights, mildew |
Benomyl, Maneb |
1 wk. prior to harvest at 7-10 day intervals |
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