want to live as close to their feeding grounds as possible. They hate
to commute as much as we do! Provide a variety of under-story shrubs
and small trees that make safe neighborhoods for our winged friends.
These can be augmented with birdhouses for different types of birds.
These range from the multi-story condos for
swallows and martins (which are great mosquito gobblers) like the 4-storey
"condos" to a half
shell for hummingbirds.
for purple martins and swallows, do not expect to have more than one family
of the same type of bird within viewing distance of each other. They
just don't get along. The first one in will harass the newcomers and
you will end up with only one tenant.
Bird houses or roosting pockets for individual bird families should face
east, west or south - never north. They should be far enough away from
any structure, eave overhang or tree to prevent a climbing predator from
reaching them. Bird
Houses made of natural materials attract a wider variety of nesting
Watering Hole
Water is vital for wild birds all year round. Water sources should be
placed fairly close to your feeders. Providing water is the very best
way to attract birds to your yard. Yes, birds are more attracted to water in
your yard than by food! In addition, water brings out many interesting
antics to watch. You will see birds sipping, seriously grooming their
feathers and splashing and playing. Classic pedestal birdbaths attract a wide variety
of birds.
Locate the bath within six feet of a tree or tall shrub
to give birds a place to fly to if a threat like the neighbor's cat disturbs
them while bathing or drinking. Make sure it is not near any hiding
places where cats and other predators may lurk. Bird baths can be on a
pedestal, hanging, laid flat on the ground or attached, for example, to a
deck rail.
Be sure your bath is not too deep. The deepest point should be
2-1/2" or less. It's best if the edge of the bath is not slippery so
that birds can have sure footing.
water should be changed every few days, no matter what the season, to insure
a fresh, clear supply. It is important to keep your bath clean.
Washing the bath with water and white vinegar will help prevent algae growth
and keep the bath fresh. Bath brushes and special bath and fountain
protection solutions are available to help keep baths sparkling clean and
safe for birds.
Moving water fascinates and attracts birds. Outfitting your bath with
a dripper or mister like Misters
or Drippers will attract a wider variety of birds. In warm weather
a mister will be attractive to hummingbirds and butterflies too!
Cold weather in northern climates brings a special challenge to survival because
natural water sources are often frozen. Providing ice-free water for
drinking and feather maintenance can be life-saving for birds. Water sources
may be kept ice-free by an immersible electric heater that goes right into
the birdbath water. Baths with built in heating are also available - some
can be
deck-mounted too, for easy viewing. They let you enjoy the birds through your
windows all winter.
Safe Haven
are one of the best shrubs or trees to provide a safe haven in all types of
weather. The rule of thumb is to plant at least one large evergreen
shrub or tree for every five to ten deciduous ones. As with any
planting, plant shrubs in odd numbered groups of three to five - making sure
that you have both male and female shrubs where applicable, so that they
will set fruit. Plant varieties that provide fruit at different times
of the year.
Large arbors and trellises, and vines growing over them provide a safe
location for fledglings who wait to be fed by the parents, and when getting
their first flying lessons. Locate these within ten to 12 feet from
the feeder and birdbath.

Click the thumbnail
above to see the larger view of a do-it-yourself safe
haven. |
In late fall when cover becomes scarce, you can build a safe haven
with dead branches that you've collected from your pruning efforts.
Start with a base of hefty ones laid in two rows at right angles to each
other - as if you were building a campfire. Then add upright ones -
the largest first, and finishing with the smaller ones. It will look
like tent when complete. Click the thumbnail of the diagram to see the
larger view. Weeping trees - mulberry, willow, etc. also provide
cover if the branches reach the ground. And, after Christmas, don't throw out your tree! Prop it up
against a fence and adorn it with suet and seed balls for a tasty retreat
for our winged friends. |