Top Annuals
for 2005 |
Here are the All America Selections winners for 2005.
Alas, there are no bedding plant winners this year.
Watch for young plants available at local garden centers in
spring. Links are provided for seeds available online.
Check back to see if additional suppliers will carry seeds.
Gaillardia aristata ‘Arizona Sun’ |
aristata ‘Arizona Sun’ Flower Award Winner
This ‘Arizona Sun’ is red and yellow. Each three-inch single
flower is mahogany red with bright yellow petal edges. The
bright colors are similar to the desert sun in Arizona. Like
many annuals, plants produce flowers continuously. Even the
spent blooms are attractive as tufts of seed. When grown in a
full-sun garden, ‘Arizona Sun’ is a compact plant reaching only
8 to 10 inches tall, spreading about 10 to 12 inches. Gaillardia
aristata a.k.a. blanket flower, is native to the Great Plains
and usually considered a perennial. ‘Arizona Sun’ performed as
an exceptional plant the first year grown from seed. This AAS
Winner may over-winter, depending upon the severity of winter.
‘Arizona Sun’ flowers can be cut and used for summer bouquets.
They may attract butterflies to the garden in search of nectar. |
An outstanding variety, which often flowers in the first year
from sowing. Mid-height plants produce masses of fiery red
blooms surrounded by a ring of rich flame yellow. Can be
used as annual bedding, or year after year as a perennial.
Excellent for beds and borders.
Sowing Instructions: Sow February to April. Germinate
at 20-30C (68-86F) on the surface of a good free draining,
damp seed compost. Do not cover the seed. Place in a
propagator or seal container inside a polythene bag until
after germination which usually takes 14-21 days. Do not
exclude light, as this helps germination.
Growing Instructions: Transplant seedlings when large
enough to handle into trays or 7.5cm (3in) pots. Grow on in
cooler conditions for 10-15 days before planting out after
all risk of frost, 30cm (12in) apart.
Aftercare Instructions: Prefers a well drained soil
in full sun or semi shade.
Vinca 'First Kiss Blueberry' |
‘First Kiss Blueberry’ Flower Award Winner
The first blue-flowered Catharanthus rosea is an AAS
Winner named ‘First Kiss Blueberry.’ The large 2-inch single
blooms have a darker eye which accentuates the violet blue
color. For decades breeders have been diligently working
towards a blue Vinca. Now ‘First Kiss Blueberry’ fills the
color void. Gardeners will look for ‘First Kiss Blueberry’
plants to add to their collection. Proven to be heat and
drought tolerant, mature plants will be about 11 inches tall
and spread 16 inches, given adequate growing conditions.
Easy to grow from plants, ‘First Kiss Blueberry’ can be
grown in patio containers or combination planters. |
These dwarf free-flowering bushy plants have excellent
weather tolerance, even in cool wet conditions. Ideal
for adding color to containers on a sunny patio.
Sowing Instructions: Sow February to March. Sow
in pots or trays of moist seed compost and cover with a
very light sprinkling of compost or vermiculite. Place
in a propagator or warm place, and keep at a constant
temperature of between 24-27C (75-80F). After sowing, do
not exclude light as this helps germination. Germination
will usually take 14 to 21 days. Keep the compost on the
dry side at all times, and water lightly as seedlings
Growing Instructions: When large enough to
handle, transplant seedlings into 7.5cm (3 inch) pots or
trays. Take care not to over-water plants at any stage.
Gradually acclimatize young plants to outdoor conditions
for 10 to 15 days before planting out after all risk of
frost, 30cm (12 inches) apart, or transplant into
Aftercare Instructions: For best results, provide
a light, well-drained soil in full sun.
Zinnia 'Magellan Coral' |
F1 ‘Magellan Coral’ Flower Award Winner
‘Magellan Coral’ blooms are
radiant. They illuminate the garden. The fully double,
dahlia flowered 5- to 6-inch blooms gleam with brilliant
coral petals. The flower quality and color are superior to
other Zinnia elegans. In addition to the color,
‘Magellan Coral’ plants are brimming with luminous blooms.
Consistent flower production is an improved quality.
Earliness to bloom is another exceptional trait. From sowing
seed to first bloom requires only 6 to 9 weeks. Mature
zinnia plants will reach about 15 to 17 inches tall and
spread 15 to 19 inches, depending upon growing conditions.
Like all zinnias, ‘Magellan Coral’ will perform best in a
full-sun growing location. This AAS Winner is adaptable to
container culture. In the garden, ‘Magellan Coral’ is
undemanding, needing little maintenance. |
Additional Info
Large double flowers and stems good for cutting. The
symmetrical form of each flower makes it a thing of beauty
in itself. A good blend of the best colors.
Sowing Instructions: Sow in trays, pots, etc of good
seed compost in a propagator or warm place to maintain an
optimum temperature of 75-80F (25-27C). Sowing Depth: 1/16
inch (1.5mm). Sowing Time: March-May. Sow seeds individually
in 3in (7.5cm) pots of free draining compost as they do not
transplant well. It is important to keep the soil
temperature uniformly warm and do not allow the compost to
become over wet.
Growing Instructions: Harden off and plant out when
all risk of frost has passed 30cm (12in) apart. Prefers a
rich, light, well drained soil in full sun.
Eggplant 'Fairy Tale' |
F1 ‘Fairy Tale’ Vegetable Award Winner
‘Fairy Tale’ is a petite plant
with decorative miniature eggplants. The fruit appearance is
as luscious as the taste. ‘Fairy Tale’ eggplants are white
with violet/purple stripes. The fruit are sweet, non-bitter,
with a tender skin and few seeds. Another superior quality
is the window for harvest. The elongated oval eggplants can
be picked when quite small at 1 to 2 ounces or they can be
left on the plant until double the weight, and the flavor
and tenderness remain. ‘Fairy Tale’ eggplants are
recommended for marinating and grilling whole. The harvest
can begin in just 49 to 51 days from transplanting. The
petite plant reaches only 2½ feet tall and wide, perfect for
container gardening. An eggplant has not won an AAS award
since 1939, so ‘Fairy Tale’ is truly an exceptional new
variety. |
Good for a wide range of culinary uses, from grilling,
stuffing to stir fries. Color violet/purple with snowy
white, pale pink with cream striping.
Sowing Instructions: Sow January to April for growing
under glass, March to April for planting outdoors, in pots
of moist seed compost and cover with a 6mm (¼ inch) layer of
compost or vermiculite. Place in a propagator or warm place,
and keep at a constant temperature of between 20-25C
(68-77F). After sowing, do not exclude light as this helps
germination. Keep the surface of the compost moist but not
waterlogged; germination will usually take 10-14 days.
Growing Instructions: Transplant seedlings when large
enough to handle into 7.5cm (3 inch) pots, later pot on into
20cm (8 inch) containers. Feed every 14 days with tomato
fertilizer once the first fruits have set. Provide plenty of
water, especially in dry weather. Tap flowers daily to
assist pollination. For outdoor crops, acclimatize plants to
outdoor conditions for 10-15 days before planting out 45cm
(18 inches) apart in a warm, sheltered spot. Give plants
support, and feed every 14 days with tomato fertilizer.
Aftercare Instructions: Cease feeding when fruits are
fully formed, and harvest at their desired size.
Squash 'Bonbon' |
Squash F1 ‘Bonbon’ Vegetable Award Winner
‘Bonbon’ is a Cucurbita maxima
with three improved traits. They are restricted habit, earliness
and superior eating qualities. ‘Bonbon’ has an upright,
semi-bush habit needing less garden space. Mature vines spread
about 8 feet. When ‘Bonbon’ plants are transplanted into a
full-sun garden, look for ripe fruit within 81 days; a full week
earlier than other varieties. ‘Bonbon’ squash has thick orange
flesh and when cooked delivers sweet flavor (hence the name
‘Bonbon’) and creamy texture loaded with vitamin A. The “boxy”
shaped dark green squash is painted with silver stripes and
weighs about four pounds. Easy to grow, ‘Bonbon’ is not highly
susceptible to diseases and is adaptable to any location where
squash is grown.
The sweetest of the nutty tasting 'kabocha' type squashes.
Flattened dark green 3-5 lb fruits with delicious deep
golden flesh. Stores extremely well - for up to 6 months in
a frost-free but cool shed or garage. Plants have a less
trailing, more semi bush habit. Use for baking and roasting.
Sowing Instructions: Sow April to May in pots of
moist seed compost and cover with a 1cm (½ inch) layer of
compost or vermiculite. Place in a propagator or warm place,
and keep at a constant temperature of between 20-25C
(68-77F). After sowing, do not exclude light as this helps
germination. Keep the surface of the compost moist but not
waterlogged; germination will usually take 6-10 days.
Growing Instructions: When at the 2 leaf stage,
transplant seedlings on into 13cm (5 inch) pots for a few
weeks before planting out, 90cm or more (36 inches) apart in
a sunny sheltered spot on rich, well drained soil. Water and
feed regularly with liquid fertilizer.
Aftercare Instructions: Harvest the grapefruit-sized
fruits from late summer onwards. Cut and store remaining
fruits before frost and store in a frost-free area.
Grape Tomato 'Sugary' |
F1 ‘Sugary’ Vegetable Award Winner
‘Sugary.’ The name says it all.
Judges raved about the sweet tomato flavor. The half-ounce dark
pink fruit has a sugar content of 9.5%, higher than most others.
The fruit is produced in clusters like grapes and can be eaten
like them. ‘Sugary’ tomatoes have a distinct shape; they are
oval with a pointed blossom end. In addition to the flavor,
‘Sugary’ plants produced a high yield with a noticeable lack of
cracked fruit. Look for ripe fruit on the strong
semi-indeterminate vines within 60 days from transplanting into
warm, prepared garden soil or large containers. Plants are
vigorous and may need pruning to contain growth. ‘Sugary’ should
set a new standard for “cherry” size tomatoes with sweet flavor. |
Cordon type (semi-indeterminate). Unique olive shaped fruits.
Early ripening, cascading trusses of superb flavored, red
fruits averaging 15-20gms (½-¾oz) holding well on the plant
without splitting. Suitable for growing outdoors or under
Sowing Instructions: Sow in late winter for heated
greenhouse cultivation or early spring for the cold
greenhouse and mid spring for outdoors. Sow 6mm (¼in) deep
in a good compost. Germination usually takes 6-14 days at
24C (75F).
Growing Instructions: Transplant the seedlings when
large enough to handle into 7.5cm (3in) pots and grow on in
cooler, well lit conditions. Soil based composts produce
shorter plants than peat based composts. For hanging
baskets, plant carefully one per 30cm (12in) basket leaving
a 3cm (1in) space for watering. Water well and stand in a
cool, airy place until well rooted. Gradually acclimatize to
outdoor conditions before hanging outside permanently after
all risk of frost. Feed regularly and keep well watered. If
planted outdoors, space 60cm (24in) apart in moist, well
drained, fertile soil and a sunny spot.
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