Moonlight Gardens

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Moonlight Gardens

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Perennial hibiscus hybrids seem to glow in the darkNeed a quiet, romantic garden to soothe the stresses after a long hard day?  Nothing brings the problems down to size better than a fragrant moonlight garden of white and pale colored flowers and foliage that literally glow in the dark.

Don't just think of flowers that shine at night.  Foliage plants can do the same, or scent the air.  Paths with thyme or mint growing between the stones or along the edges are scented as you bruise the leaves along the way.  Variegated leaves with white predominating brighten up the area with their reflective glow.

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 Here are some of our favorites for a moonlight garden. 

Botanical Name Common Name Type Fragrant Drought
Achillea millefolium Common Yarrow Perennial Aromatic Yes Yes
Alyssum - white Alyssum Annual Yes Yes No
Azalea, Rhododendron Azalea, Rhodo varieties Shrub Yes No No
Caladium Elephant Ears, Caladium Bulb No No Yes
Cerastium tomentosum Snow-In-Summer Groundcover No Moderate No
Chrysanthemum maximum Shasta Daisy Perennial No No No
Cistus corbariensis White Rockrose Shrub No Yes No
Cistus salvifolius Sageleaf Rockrose Groundcover No Yes No
Clematis - white Clematis spp Vine Yes No No
Eonymus Variegated Euonymus Shrub, Vine No Yes Yes
Gardenia spp Gardenia Shrub Yes No No
Hemerocallis spp Selected Daylilies Perennial Yes Moderate No
Honeysuckle (Japanese) Hall's Honeysuckle Vine Yes Yes No
Hibiscus Rose Mallow, Hardy Hibiscus
Tropical Hibiscus
Hosta White flowered and variegated Hosta Perennial Yes Moderate Yes
Iberis sempervirens Candytuft Perennial No No No
Impatiens White Impatiens Annual No No No
Jasminum polyanthemum Winter Jasmine Vine Yes No No
Lamium Beaconsilver Lamium Groundcover Slight Moderate Yes
Lilium White, bicolor Lilies Bulb Yes Moderate No
Mentha Mint Perennial Yes Moderate Yes
Magnolia spp Star Magnolia Tree Yes No No
Nerium oleander White Oleander Shrub No Yes No
Nicotiana - white Nicotiana Annual Yes Moderate No
Romneya coulteri Matilija Poppy Perennial Yes Yes No
Rosa Many varieties - choose pale shades Shrub Some are No No
Spiraea prunifolium Bridalwreath Shrub No No No
Trachelospermum jasminoides Star Jasmine Vine Yes Moderate No
Viburnum spp Viburnum Shrub No No No
Yucca spp Yucca Perennial Yes Yes No
Zantedeschia aethiopica Cally Lily Hybrids Bulb No No Yes

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