Makin Hay

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Magi's 'Hey, Let's Make Hay!'

In this Series
Decorating on a Shoestring
Makin Hay
Dog Daze of Summer
Now We Are Four!
Dried Flower Baskets
A Bit o' Blarney
Save that Trash

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It's Magi's  ("it's a good thing" I'm not Martha) Designs - join me for bring it on home - garden decorating comes home
Buy it (if you can't make it!)

  Hey! Let's make hay!!  

2ndpic.jpg (300x205 -- 9438 bytes)So - you're lawn has grown out of control? 

  • Does the satellite pick up a new forested system in your neck o' the woods?  
  • Are you reminded of the savannahs of Africa????
  • When your dogs run and frolic in the cover of thigh high Johnson, is the only thing you can see wagging and bobbing tails? 
  • Did your lawn mower cry and chain itself to the porch steps?

WELL my friend! You have the makings of your own homemade hay!!!  Great for rainy days for the livestock, bedding the gardens, or spreading for seed in the yet still barren regions of your yard. (Hint: make sure you have removed any poopage left behind from your yard pets before working.)

  Yes you too can make your very own redneck crop circles!!!  

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3rdpic.jpg (250x278 -- 14996 bytes)With a sickle or better yet - your trusty weed wacker -  just slowly wack away at the grass, keeping some neatness to your form.

Remember, you'll have to come back and get this stuff later - don't want to be scrounging around for it now... 

Let the cuttings sit where they fall in the sun for a day.  Then with a rake flip it over like a pancake, and let dry again for another day in the sun. By the next evening it should be ready to haul up.

You can attempt to bail it by putting long strings criss-crossed in the bottom of a box or wheel barrow, then pile it on so that it falls in line like piles of sticks.  Pack it then tie it up tight.  Remove from the box or barrow and store in a dry place.  

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  VOILA!!! You were just makin' HAY!!!  

Not THAT kind... geesh!
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THIS kind!
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Home ] Decorating on a Shoestring ] [ Makin Hay ] Dog Daze of Summer ] Now We Are Four! ] Dried Flower Baskets ] A Bit o' Blarney ] Save that Trash ]

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